Lucie 'Lulu' Peyraud and her husband were the founders of Domaine Tempier back in the 1940's. Lucie was known as the ultimate host, her style of cooking inspired many others and set a trend for provençal food. She passed away this month at the age of 102. The legacy she has left us is immense, a large family, unbelievable wines and recipes that will live on!
At Butlers we have worked with these classic French wines in the past, and are happy to have received this year's allocation. Domaine Tempier are based in Bandol, in the Provence, Southern France.
The white wine comes from a small plot of land, at a higher altitude to other vineyards, which helps preserve the freshness. It is considered to be the original site for the finest white and pink wines in this region. They have a reputation for exemplary attention to detail, using only the finest grapes available.
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